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PERFORMANCE&GOALS Descripción: SAP SUCCESFACTORS Autor: CZH OTROS TESTS DEL AUTOR Fecha de Creación: 04/02/2025 Categoría: Otros Número Preguntas: 25 |

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1.What can an administrator do when accessing the Delete Continuous Feedback page? Note: There
are 2 correct answers to this question. A. The administrator can delete only feedback given or received by active users. B. The administrator CANNOT restore feedback once the feedback is deleted. C. The administrator can only delete feedback given in the last three months. D. The administrator can access all information, including feedback content from others. 2.Which actions can you enable and disable in Continuous Performance Management Configuration (CPM)? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. A. Provide discussion topics B. Access the Delete Continuous Feedback page C. Support multiple roles E. Prevent feedback deletion by users. 3.What can you do in the Feedback Received tab in Continuous Feedback? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. A. Filter to only show feedback with a linked achievement. B. Access the profile card to drill down into employee details. C. Filter to only show feedback with a linked activity. D. Decline a feedback request. 4.A manager is giving feedback to an employee using Generative Al. Which of the following outputs can be retrieved by the Al-Assisted Writing in this scenario? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. A. The manager can use Al to change the tone of the writing and make it personable. B. The manager can use Al to link the feedback given to a specific activity. C. The manager can use Al to make the feedback actionable. D. The manager can use Al to add an attachment to the feedback that was given. . 5.Which of the following are valid end user actions in Continuous Performance Management (CPM)? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. A. Create a new development goal from your activities view. B. Add attachments to one of your activities. C. Provide coaching advice to your direct report in the 1:1 meeting. D. Add your own meeting notes to assist with the 1:1 meeting. E. Send a channel invitation to your colleague to have regular 1:1 meetings. 6.Which of these options in the Search and Filter Fields tab under Manage Calibration Settings can you control when setting up a Calibration session? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. A. You can select Filter fields for the filter function across all views in the Calibration Session. B. You can select custom filters to be used in people search when you set up a Calibration Session. C. You can select additional fields to be displayed in the results table, in addition to the default search result fields. D. You CANNOT select additional fields to be displayed in the results table, in addition to the default search result fields. . 7.In which of the following circumstances will a facilitator NOT be able to finalize a calibration session? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. A. When subjects with comments from the current session are NOT marked as discussed. B. When rank column is set as required and some subjects are NOT ranked in the Bin view. C. When distribution guidelines are enforced but NOT met within the calibration session. D. When any of the views in the session include unrated subjects. 8.You are calibrating overall ratings using performance as data source. What are some of the requirements for the Calibration Session to be successfully validated? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. A. The subject(s) of the Calibration Session must be defined. B. The location of the Calibration Session must be specified. C. The Calibration Session planned activation date must be defined. D. The calibration template to be used in the Calibration Session must be specified. E. All the subjects' review forms must be at the calibration step in the route map. 9.Your customer is using the Talent Intelligence Hub framework to manage the attribute types, such as competencies and skills. Which of the following actions can an administrator complete from Manage Talent Intelligence Hub? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. A. Categorize Attributes using Tags B. Set up a Proficiency Rating Scale C. Import Attribute Libraries D. Map Skills to Job Roles E. Assign Rating History Type to form templates. 10.If you are using distribution guidelines in calibration, where are they visible? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. A. Dashboard view B. Executive review C. Matrix Grid view D. List view E. Bin view. 11.What report types can be added to a Session via the Calibration Org Chart during Session Setup? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. A. Direct reports B. Custom manager reports C. Second level reports D. HR reports E. Matrix reports. 12.Which type of permissions of approved sessions can be granted to facilitators? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. A. Finalize B. Delete C. Write D. Export E. Reopen . 13.Which of the following are possible for the manager-initiated Calibration Sessions? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. A. Default facilitator(s) CANNOT be changed. B. Direct reports can be added as participants or subjects. C. Calibration views can be modified by managers. D. The templates available to managers can be restricted from role-based permissions. 14.What happens when you define a Calibration Session owner during the session setup? A. The participants and subjects can be automatically populated, based on the reporting hierarchy of the owner. B. The session creator can assign only one owner. C. The owner can define export permissions for the session. D. The owner can view their calibration data on the Executive Review tab. 15.Which of the following are possible for the distribution range and group of ratings in guidelines for Calibration Sessions? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. A. A red bar will indicate that the actual distribution does NOT match the guideline in the Dashboard and Executive Review views. B. Multiple ratings can be grouped together under the same distribution guideline. C. Distribution range and group of ratings can be defined for any data source in the Calibration template. D. The total distribution must be exactly 100% for each calibration element, even if distribution ranges are set up. E. Additional operators besides = are supported. . 16.What does the "Enable force route button in validation step" calibration feature do? A. Automatically populates valid participants and subjects based on the Calibration Session owner B. Automatically routes forms to the next step in the route map after a Calibration Session is finalized C. Enables the option to route existing forms into the calibration route map step when setting up a Calibration Session D. Enables the option for the facilitator to edit ratings and finalize forms in the Calibration Session. 17.Which of the following are available configurations in Manage Route Maps? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. A. Enforce Start Date B. Hide Route Map on the Form C. Step Exit Reminder D. Modify Form Route Map. 18.What is the purpose of the user-defined step in a single-step route map? A. To ensure all performance forms are routed to the same user in that step B. To assign the form to a group of people C. To split the sections of the form and send each of them to different users for validation D. To make sure the form comes back to the user's inbox at the end of the workflow. 19.Your customer wants to ensure that all review forms are sent to the second step of their route map on a specified date. What settings do you need to make to ensure this takes place? A. Define the exit date for the first step in the route map configuration in Manage Route Maps. • Select the "Automatic send on due date" option in Step 1 of the route map and also select the "Always send regardless of validation" option. B. Define the due date for the first step in the route map configuration in Form Template Settings. • Select the "Automatic send on due date" option in Step 1 of the route map. C. Define the start date for the first step in the route map configuration in Manage Route Maps. • Select the "Enforce Start Date" option in Step 2 of the route map. D. Define the due date for the first step in the route map configuration in Manage Route Maps. • Select the "Automatic send on due date" option in Step 1 of the route map and also select the "Always send regardless of validation" option. 20.Where can you associate a route map with a performance form template? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. A. Manage Templates > General Settings B. Manage Templates > General Settings > Show advanced options C. Manage Templates > General Settings > Advanced Settings D. Manage Route Maps > Related Templates . 21.What can users do with a form during a collaborative route map step? A. The form can be sent to another user with the Get Feedback button. B. The form is in all the collaborative step participants' inboxes at the same time, but only one user can make edits at a time. C. The form is in all the collaborative step participants' inboxes at the same time and all users can edit the form simultaneously. D. The form can be sent back and forth between the different users of the collaborative step before moving to the next step. . 22.Which of the following are features of the clean core dashboard? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. A. It can be used in all SAP S/4HANA Cloud editions. B. Customers can grant access to the dashboard to partners. C. Customers can use the dashboard in the dev, test, and production tenants. D. It can be accessed by using SAP For Me. . 23.What are some SAP recommended guiding principles to achieve clean core operations? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. A. Integrate clean core practices in the end-to-end value process chain. B. Establish an organizational structure, technical foundation, and transformation methodology for clean core. C. Define roles and responsibilities as part of a process transformation office. D. Establish regular housekeeping tasks and procedures. E. Establish release management. 24.Which of the following can you use to explore released APIs? A. SAP Application Interface Framework B. SAP Integration Suite C. SAP Business Accelerator Hub. 25.Which of the following API types does SAP recommend to use to achieve clean core integrations? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. A. RFC B. SOAP C. OData D. IDoc . |
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