
Título del Test:
SAP 7.5 ABAP OOP Descripción: SAP 7.5 ABAP OOP Autor: MR OTROS TESTS DEL AUTOR Fecha de Creación: 31/07/2023 Categoría: Otros Número Preguntas: 17 |

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Which of the following statements are true? Select all that apply.
Static attributes can be declared only in the private visibility section of the class.
Static attributes are declared with the CLASS -DATA statement.
A static attribute is the same across all instances of the class. There is only one static attribute across all instances of the class.
Static attributes cannot be changed by an object.
. Private components of the class cannot be addressed directly from outside the class except when the friendship concept applies. True False. Subclasses can access the private components of the parent class. True False. Subclasses inherit all the components of the parent class. True False. Public methods can access the private attributes of the same class. True False. Protected attributes can be accessed by methods of the class and its subclasses. True False. You cannot use the LIKE statement to define an attribute in a class. True False. The READ-ONLY addition for the attribute declaration can be used in the private and public visibility section. True False. The READ-ONLY attribute cannot be addressed outside the class. True False. Which of the following statements are correct? Select all that apply. Class methods assigned to the public visibility section can be accessed outside the class using the static component selector and the class name. Static methods can be defined in both the public and private visibility section of the class. Only public methods can be addressed outside the class. You can call private methods within the public methods without reference to the object or class. None of the above . The constructor method is called automatically when you create an instance of the class. True False. The class constructor method is called automatically when you access the class for the first time. True False. The constructor method is always defined in the private visibility section of the class. True False. You can call the constructor method directly. True False. Object or class events can trigger any number of handler methods. True False. In a local class, it is possible to declare an instance constructor in all visibility sections of the class. True False. Declaration of an internal table with a header line can be used in a class implementation. True False. |
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