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Group of Vertebrates. Fish. Are vertebrates that in water. Most fish have slippery scale , breathe through gills, and lay eggs. Most are cold - blooded vertebrates. Are cold- blooded vertebrates. They have smooth, moist skin. They hatch from eggs. Frogs ????,toads, and salamanders are Most young live in water. They get oxygen through their gills and skin. Most develop lungs to breathe air when out of the water. Snakes ????, lizards ????, turtles ????, and crocodiles, are cold blooded vertebrates. They have dry, scaly skin. They breathe air through lung. Most lay eggs.
Group of Vertebrates. Reptiles Are vertebrates that in water. Most fish have slippery scale , breathe through gills, and lay eggs. Most are cold - blooded vertebrates. Are cold- blooded vertebrates. They have smooth, moist skin. They hatch from eggs. Frogs ????,toads, and salamanders are Most young live in water. They get oxygen through their gills and skin. Most develop lungs to breathe air when out of the water. Snakes ????, lizards ????, turtles ????, and crocodiles, are cold blooded vertebrates. They have dry, scaly skin. They breathe air through lung. Most lay eggs.
Group of Vertebrates. Bird. Are vertebrates that in water. Most fish have slippery scale , breathe through gills, and lay eggs. Most are cold - blooded vertebrates. Are cold- blooded vertebrates. They have smooth, moist skin. They hatch from eggs. Frogs ????,toads, and salamanders are Most young live in water. They get oxygen through their gills and skin. Most develop lungs to breathe air when out of the water. are warm- blooded vertebrates with feathers and bills. Feathers help stay warm. Wings and light bones help most fly. They breathe air through lung. All birds hatch from eggs.
Group of Vertebrates. Amphibians. Are vertebrates that in water. Most fish have slippery scale , breathe through gills, and lay eggs. Most are cold - blooded vertebrates. Are cold- blooded vertebrates. They have smooth, moist skin. They hatch from eggs. Frogs ????,toads, and salamanders are Most young live in water. They get oxygen through their gills and skin. Most develop lungs to breathe air when out of the water. are warm- blooded vertebrates with feathers and bills. Feathers help stay warm. Wings and light bones help most fly. They breathe air through lung. All birds hatch from eggs.
Group of Vertebrates. Mammals. the vertebrates you probably know best are warm-blooded vertebrates. They usually have hair that keep them warm. Breathe air through lung and feed milk to their young. Most are born alive instead of hatching from eggs. Are cold- blooded vertebrates. They have smooth, moist skin. They hatch from eggs. Frogs ????,toads, and salamanders are Most young live in water. They get oxygen through their gills and skin. Most develop lungs to breathe air when out of the water. are warm- blooded vertebrates with feathers and bills. Feathers help stay warm. Wings and light bones help most fly. They breathe air through lung. All birds hatch from eggs.
Group of invertebrates. Sea stars, butterflies, and spiders. Most animal do not have bones or skeletons inside their bodies. Animals without backbone. Are cold- blooded vertebrates. They have smooth, moist skin. They hatch from eggs. Frogs ????,toads, and salamanders are Most young live in water. They get oxygen through their gills and skin. Most develop lungs to breathe air when out of the water. are warm- blooded vertebrates with feathers and bills. Feathers help stay warm. Wings and light bones help most fly. They breathe air through lung. All birds hatch from eggs.
Group of invertebrates. worms and sea jellie, clams and crabs insects Have other structures to give them their shape. A soft sac filled with liquid supports worms and sea jellie. A hard shell supports clams and crabs insects have a hard covering on the outside of their bodies, are smaller than most vertebrates. Are cold- blooded vertebrates. They have smooth, moist skin. They hatch from eggs. Frogs ????,toads, and salamanders are Most young live in water. They get oxygen through their gills and skin. Most develop lungs to breathe air when out of the water. are warm- blooded vertebrates with feathers and bills. Feathers help stay warm. Wings and light bones help most fly. They breathe air through lung. All birds hatch from eggs.
Classifications by Animal Birth. Eggs Many animals hatch from eggs. For example, all birds hatch from eggs. Most fish amphibians, and reptiles also hatch from eggs. Crocodiles lay eggs as do most other reptiles after growing in the eggs for two or three months, young crocodiles hatch from the eggs. Most mammals have live birth. this means hat he young animal is born instead of hatching from an egg. You may have seen images of a lion with her young cubs. she gave live birth to the cubs after being pregnant for about four months.
Classifications by Animal Birth. Live Birth Many animals hatch from eggs. For example, all birds hatch from eggs. Most fish amphibians, and reptiles also hatch from eggs. Crocodiles lay eggs as do most other reptiles after growing in the eggs for two or three months, young crocodiles hatch from the eggs. Most mammals have live birth. this means hat he young animal is born instead of hatching from an egg. You may have seen images of a lion with her young cubs. she gave live birth to the cubs after being pregnant for about four months.
Group of Invertebrates. Sea Jellies. Have soft bodies and long, stinging body parts. the body of a sea jelly is made mostly of water. A sea jelly stins its prey befores pulling it into its stomach most sea, live in the ocean. Are cold- blooded vertebrates. They have smooth, moist skin. They hatch from eggs. Frogs ????,toads, and salamanders are Most young live in water. They get oxygen through their gills and skin. Most develop lungs to breathe air when out of the water. are warm- blooded vertebrates with feathers and bills. Feathers help stay warm. Wings and light bones help most fly. They breathe air through lung. All birds hatch from eggs.
Group of Invertebrates. Worms. Have soft bodies and long, stinging body parts. the body of a sea jelly is made mostly of water. A sea jelly stins its prey befores pulling it into its stomach most sea, live in the ocean. Are animals with long, soft bodies and no legs. these help keep soil healthy. are warm- blooded vertebrates with feathers and bills. Feathers help stay warm. Wings and light bones help most fly. They breathe air through lung. All birds hatch from eggs.
Group of Invertebrates. Mollusks. Have soft bodies and long, stinging body parts. the body of a sea jelly is made mostly of water. A sea jelly stins its prey befores pulling it into its stomach most sea, live in the ocean. Are animals with long, soft bodies and no legs. these help keep soil healthy. Mollusks have soft bodies. many have hard shells and eyes. Some include octopuses, squids, clams, and snails.
Group of Invertebrates. Arthropods Are the largest group of invertebrates. is an animal that has a hard covering outside its body, the bodies have more than one main part, and crabs are all..... Are animals with long, soft bodies and no legs. these help keep soil healthy. Mollusks have soft bodies. many have hard shells and eyes. Some include octopuses, squids, clams, and snails.
nonliving thing plants. animals, and other living thing. Sunlight is a nonliving, The sun's rays warm, the air water and soil.
Living things plants. animals, and other living thing. Sunlight is a nonliving, The sun's rays warm, the air water and soil.
Life Cycle Of a Butterfly Egg Larva Adult Pupa.
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