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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESESecond language acqusition

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Second language acqusition

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Approaches based on IP are concerned with the mental processes involved in language learning and use. Verdadero Falso.
IP theory includes the input of new information; the formation, organization, and regulation of internal (mental) representations; and retrieval and output strategies. Verdadero Falso.
Complete the assumption of IP theory. Learning of a skill initially demands learners’ attention. and thus involves .................... controlled processing. communication automatic processing.
Automatic processing requires less ......................... and attentional effort. mental space faster response attentional control.
It is only after we have automatized the lower-level skills that our processing capacity is freed for higher-order though. Verdadero Falso.
The input stage, of IP for SLA, is considered whatever sample of L2 that learners are exposed to. but it is not available for processing unless learners actually notice it: i.e. pay attention to it. What is the term for this kind of input? Intake Production Frecuency.
Central processing is the heart of this model, where learning occurs. It is here that learners go from controlled ................... to ........................... processing, and where knowledge takes place. controlled automatic restructuring no answer.
In the central processin stage, it is not possible to test for degree of automatization because controlled processing requires more time. Verdadero Falso.
In the model of learning that was proposed by Anderson (1976), development from declarative to procedural stages of knowledge is parallel to development from controlled to automatic processing in many respects. Verdadero Falso.
The output stage, in IP theory, for SLA is the ............... language that learners produce, in speech or in writing language use to broader social and cultural contexts, and applies ethnographic methods of data collection and interpretation to study of language acquisition and use languages that are being endangered and extinct.
Competition model is a functional approach which assumes that all linguistic performance involves “mapping" between external form and internal function. Verdadero Falso.
Competition model for SLA involves adjusting the internalized system of mapping that exists in the learner’s Ll to one that is appropriate for the target language. Verdadero Falso.
In the competition model , learner´s mind compares several different components of a sentence as a means of language development, to produce the language. Verdadero Falso.
The cues in language input are associated with a particular function contained in the sentence context, such as .................................. and semantic characteristics. word order / morphology syntax / phonology lexicon / morphology.
In the example horses, the inflection -s is related to ....................... morphological inflection word order semantic property.
MacWhinney and Elizabeth Bates studied language processing across languages to develop the Competiton Model theory. Verdadero Falso.
In competition model, múltiple cues are available simultaneously in input; language processing essentially involves "competition" among the various cues. Verdadero Falso.
Match the following theories with their central figures: Constrastive analysis Error analysis Interlanguage Monitor Model Universal Grammar .
Choose the correct theory ............................. refer to the intermediate statea of a learner´s language as ti moves toward the target L2. Interlanguage Constrastive analysis Monitor Model.
One assuption in Constrastive analysis theory is that there will be transfer in learning. The transfer is called ................................ when the same structure is appropriate in both languages. Positive Negative.
Languages are signified as a symbolic system, that means that different types of symbol basing on sound for concepts, things, ideas, thoughts, object etc. Symbolic Systematic Social.
Choose the correct theory. ............................ is the first approach to the study of SLA wchich includes an internal focus on learner´s creative ability to construct language. Error analysis Contrastive analysis Interlanguage.
Why language is systematic? Sequences of sounds or letters do not inherently possess meaning. Languages consist of recurrent elements which occur in regular patterns of relationships. Each language reflects the social requirements of the society that uses it.
According to a Functionalist perspective, what is the primary purpose of language? communication bilingualism nominalization.
What is inflection? A linguistic element that adds or changes grammatical meaning when added to a word A fixed expression of two or more words that is interpreted as a single lexical unit. The smallest unit of language that carries lexical or grammatical meaning: often part of a word.
What is Monitor Model? An approach to SLA that takes an internal focus on learners’ creative construction of language. An approach to SLA that focuses on the sequence in which specific English grammatical An approach to SLA which claims that learners acquire certain grammatical structures in developmental sequences, and that those sequences reflect how learners overeóme processing limitations.
A linguistic framework which claims that Ll acquisition can be accounted for only by innate knowledge that the human species is genetically endowed with. This knowledge ineludes what all languages have in common. This approach was developed most prominently by .... Chomsky Vygotsky Krashen.
Match the following terms to their definitions: innate capacity sequential bilingualism simultaneous bilingualism .
Identify the theoretical frameworks according to the Psychological perspective. Neurolinguistics Connectionism Complexity Theory Principies and Parameters Model.
What is a connectionism? A cognitive framework for explaining learning processes, beginning in the 1980s and becoming increasingly influential. It assumes that SLA results from increasing strength of associations between stimuli and responses. A linguistic approach to SLA that involves predicting and explaining learner problems based on a comparison of Ll and 1.2 to determine linguistic similarities and difie rencos A psychological theory of second language acquisition with roots in Chaos Theory that views the process of second language acquisition as a complex. interconnected. and changing system.
The term fossilization means.................... A stable state in SLA where learners cease their interlanguage development before they reach target norms despite continuing L2 input and passage of time. The outcome of L1 and L2 learning, also known as the stable state of adult. Information that is provided to learneres about whether or not their production and interpretation of language is appropriate.
Broca´s area is responsible for the ability to ..................................... whereas, Wernicke´s area is reponsible for processing ........................... speak, input input, speak speak, write.
Considering second language acquisition a system of interconnected language components and stages of learner language, ..................................... combines linguistic, social, and psychological considerations of language acquisition. Processability Theory Complexity Theory Functionalism Theory.
Bilingual children show consistent advantanges in taks of both verbal and nonverbal abilities. Verdadero Falso.
What is a first language It is a persons native language it is a persons library language It is a persons auxiliary language.
In the behaviourist perspective Which of the following plays an important part of first language learning Language available in the enviorment The inborn ability for language learning The biological programming of people to learn a language .
Regarding to language learning theories, the main aspects of behaviorismo are: Imitation, practice and reinforcement that form habits Linguistice patterns and grammar rules The child does not have tpo be tought.
According to the innatist perspective , which of the following is assumened to be true about first language acquisition ? All language is guided by the same universal principles All language is guided by the same universal principles Learners imitation of others accounts for language acquisition .
Choose the correct definition Auxiliary language Second language Library language Foreign language .
According to the behaviourists all learning wether verbal or non verbal, takes place through the same underlining process Verdadero Falso.
According to behaviourism theory Learners imitate and repeat the language they hear in their surrounding environment and are positively reinforced for doing so habit formation or learning occurs. Verdadero Falso.
acquisition of more than one language during early childhood is called simultaneous multilingualism sequential multilingualism .
Sequential multilingualism is learning an additional language after L1 has been established The acquisition of more than one language .
The critical hypothesis argue that Animals include humans, are genetically programed to acquire certain kinds of knowledge and skill ate specific times in life Animals include humans, are not genetically programed to acquire certain kinds of knowledge and skill ate specific times in life Animals include humans, are not genetically programed to acquire certain kinds of knowledge and skill through the interaction with society.
which is the best explanation of the concept of the Logical problem of language acqusition Children cannot distinguish between grammatical and ungrammatical sentences Children know more language than they hear in the environment Children are only exposed to correct language structures .
Behaviourist believ that ..... and ..... are very important in language development imitation and practice no answer provided.
Which of the following is a key point underlining the concept of Universal Grammar Ug is common to all languages UG is related to the culture Ug is learned in the environment .
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