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Indicate which are the four main elements believed that formed the universe in V. a C. century C, O, H, N Water, air, earth, fire Water, ozone, salt, air NaCl, Cl, C, H.
They are known as the former Chemists. Alchemists Aristotelians Atomists Universal.
Physical State where the attractive forces are very strong, allowing the atoms closely intertwine. Solid State Liquid State Gaseous State Plasmatic State.
Physical State where the forces of attraction are totally invalid, so they move freely. Solid State Liquid State Gaseous State Plasmatic State.
Its state has low density and can compress, expand and spread easily. Solid State Liquid State Gaseous State Plasmatic State.
State of aggregation consisting of ionized atoms with electrons flowing freely between them. Solid State Liquid State Gaseous State Plasmatic State.
A glass or anybody, does not change its state of rest if we do not move. The following is an example: Mixture Inertia Chemical reaction Element.
They are formed by the variable combination of two or more substances which do not combine chemically and retain their properties. Pure substance Chemical compound Mixture Element.
It is known to every portion of material having a defined chemical composition which does not vary with changing physical conditions in which it is located. Pure substance Chemical compound Mixture Element.
Among his major contributions is the discovery of the law of conservation of matter also introduced the use of the balance in all experiments. Empedocles Democritus Aristotle Lavoisier.
Established the clearer definition of the chemical element, proposing it as any substance that can not be broken down into simpler. Empedocles Democritus Aristotle Lavoisier.
It is the properties that can be observed and measured without changing the composition or the substance are modified. Physical properties Chemical properties Chemical reaction Chemical formula.
The process dare which substances are transformed into other under specific conditions. Physical properties Chemical properties Chemical reaction Chemical formula.
Properties has become the material for changing its composition and structural distribution. Physical properties Chemical properties Chemical reaction Chemical formula.
Select the property of liquids Sublimation point Boilling point Fusion point Hardness.
Select the property of liquids Sublimation point Viscosity Fusion point Hardness.
Chemical type property defined as the reaction between the water molecule with another chemical Hydrolysis Oxidation Diffusion Hydrolisis and oxidation.
Select the chemical properties. Hydrolysis Oxidation Diffusion Hydrolysis and oxidation.
Separation method used in homogeneous mixtures. Decanting Filtration Distillation Centrifugation.
Method used to separate a solid dissolved in a liquid (water and salt) Evaporation Filtration Distillation Centrifugation.
Method used to separate a liquid dissolved in a liquid (alcohol and water) Evaporation Filtration Distillation Centrifugation.
Method used to separate two inmiscible liquids (oil and water) Evaporation Filtration Distillation Decanting.
Biochemical process by which an organic substance is transformed into another, by the action of microorganisms. Corrosion Combustion Fermentation Fertilization .
It is a material deterioration caused by a chemical in the environment (oxygen and moisture from the atmosphere) Corrosion Combustion Fermentation Fertilization .
It is the chemical reaction that occurs between oxygen and a material, which is accompanied by release of energy. Corrosion Combustion Fermentation Fertilization .
Industry which is responsible for producing the raw material for the manufacture of cars, aircraft, household goods. Steel Oil Pharmaceutical Food.
It is a property of gases Oxidation Hydrolysis Compression Viscosity.
Term applied to describe the various types of pollution of the planet as a result of actions performed by human beings. Natural phenomenon Anthropogenic phenomenon Environmental phenomenon .
Physical change which changes state passing from liquid to vapor. Liquefaction Evaporating Fusion Condensation.
Physical change which changes state passing from liquid to gas. Liquefaction Evaporating Gasification Condensation.
Physical change which changes state passing from gas to liquid. Liquefaction Evaporating Gasification Condensation.
Physical change which changes state passing from vapor to liquid. Liquefaction Evaporating Gasification Condensation.
What type of pollutant the following compounds belong? Sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons. Petrochemical Primary contaminants Secondary pollutants Emissions.
It is considered as an example of an anthropogenic phenomenon. Soil pollution by fertilizer and pesticides Eruption of a volcano Rotting wood Cellular respiration .
It is the type of material consists of the same type or kind of atom. Chemical compound Chemical element Chemical bonding .
What kind of mixture belong the following examples? Gasoline, vinegar, carbonated soda. Mixture homogeneous Compound Mixture heterogeneous .
Transformation process depends on the chemical properties of matter. Chemical change Chemical phenomenon Chemical reaction.
Change in the structure and properties of matter as a result. Chemical change Chemical phenomenon Chemical reaction.
Demonstration of the transformation of matter. Chemical change Chemical phenomenon Chemical reaction.
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