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1.- Classify the following sentence as true (T) or false (F) Sentence; 1.- Negatives in the sample past tense are foamed by adding DID NOT before the simple form of verb. 2.- The verb BE is not an exception to the previous sentence. 3.- YES/NO question in the sample past are NOT created using the auxiliary DID. 4.- Question with WH words in sample past are created by using the auxiliary DID before the subject. a) [T-2] [F-1, 3, 4] b) [T-1, 4] [F- 2, 3] c) [T- 2, 3] [F- 1,4] d) [T-1, 3 ,4] [F-2].
2.- Que aplicabilidad tiene el inglés en tu vida cotidiana? a) En cuestiones personales, solo cuando te vez obligado a hacerlo. b) En la escuela o en la casa cuando realizar actividades referentes al modulo c) La menor posible, porque no es un área que te guste o se te facilite. d) Tratas de aplicarlo en todas las áreas de tu entorno donde sea posible. .
3.- Si conocieras una persona de habla inglesa a través de una red social. ¿Como intercambias información con ella sobre tu proyecto de vida? a) Darías respuestas cortas y directas sin estructuras gramaticales complejas para evitar conversar y usar más vocabulario. b) Consultarías las expresiones gramaticales y vocabulario en un diccionario o traductor para poder expresar bien tus ideas. c) Usarías tus nociones gramaticales para expresar tus ideas apoyándote de un diccionario o traductor para consultar vocabulario. d) Expresarías de manera autónoma tus ideas utilizando las nociones gramaticales y vocabulario propias para su formulación.
4.- What does this sentence express? I’m ten now, When I get married, I’ll have a lot of babies” a) Something the person believes will happen in the future. b) Something that will surely happen in the future. c) Something that in planned and can’t change in the future. d) Something that will not happen for sure in the future.
5.- Indicate if the next question is correct or not and why: “what did you wear if you would go to the party?’ a) No, instead of “you would go”, it should say “would you go” b) Yes, it’s correct because first you express a question and a condition with “would” c) No, the first auxiliary for the conditionals is wrong and the second verb is wrong form too. d) Yes, it’s correct because it’s an indirect question, so you can use two different auxiliaries.
6.- Order the numbers of the following words to make a logical sentence in the conditional for the future. 1. every day 2. your brain 3. read 4. work 5. better 6. if you 7. will a) 6-3-1-2-7-4-5 b) 5-7-2-4-6-3-1 c) 5-7-4-2-6-3-1 d) 6-3-1-2-4-7-5.
7.- Orden the words to make a coherent sentence. 1. movies 2. the 3. I 4. to 5. am 6. going a) 4-1-2-3-5-6 b) 4-2-1-3-5-6 c) 3-5-6-4-2-1 d) 3-6-5-4-2-1.
8.- What does this sentence express? “I’ll take a seat. Look over there, theres’s an empty chair”. a) A decision made at the moment of speaking. b) Plans about the future c) A predication or promise d) Uncertainty of actions happening in the future.
9.- Choose the correct words to complete the next text in English. If it’s necessary you can use a word more than once. a) did – invited – when - did b) did - invite - when - did c) did - to invite – when - do d) did - invited - when - do.
10.- is it possible to distinguish irregular verbs and regular verbs in a sentence in present? Why? a) Yes, you can do it if you analyze ending or the “s” b) No, because the verb in present has no indication of its conjugation. c) It’s always possible if the auxiliary used the analyzed d) Sometimes it’s possible, sometimes it’s impossible.
11.- Complete the following sentence in simple past using the correct verb form and auxiliary. What time __________ the last train_________? a) does – leave b) did – left c) does – left d) did - leave .
12.- Complete the sentence using the correct form of “going to” Chose affirmative, interrogative, or negative 1. Pedro’s sweater is dirty. He (wash) _________ it. 2. I’ve decided to pick up some eggs. I (fry) ___________ them. 3. Rosa needs that sofa. She (sell) __________ it. 4. My tooth is aching a lot. I (visit) __________ my dentist. a) 1- Is going to wash 2- am going to fry 3- aren’t going to sell 4- am going to visit b) 1- Is going to wash 2- am going to fry 3- isn’t going to sell 4- is going to visit c) are going to wash 2- going to frying 3- isn’t going to sell 4- is going to visit d) Is will go to wash 2- amn’t going to fry 3- isn’t going to sell 4- am going to visit.
13.- Rewrite the sentence using the simple future tense. “The team has a party.” a) The team will has a party b) The team have a party c) The team will party d) The team will have a party .
14.- Rewrite the sentence using the simple future sentence: “Juan in an expert on using computers”. a) Juan be an expert on using computers. b) Juan will an expert on using computers. c) Juan will be an expert on using computers. d) Juan is being an expert on using computers.
15.- Orden the next words to make a meaningful sentence. 1. You 2. Last 3. ? 4. go 5. week 6. did 7. where a) 7-1-6-4-2-5-3 b) 6-1-4-7-2-5-3 c) 7-6-1-4-2-5-3 d) 6-1-4-2-5-7-3.
16.- Is the underlined part correct? Why? “Ignacio wanted to leave early, but his boss wouldn’t let him” a) It’s no correct. The auxiliary “would” is used only for habits. b) It’s correct to use “wouldn’t” for a refusal in negative in past. c) It’s incorrect because this is not a conditional. d) It’s incorrect to use “would” in simple past. .
17.- How do you after a drink in a polite way? a) What do you like to drink? b) What drink would you prefer? c) What would you like to drink? d) what do you want to drink?.
18.- Rewrite the sentence using the simple future tense. “I am a teacher”. a) I will be teaching b) I will a teacher c) I will be a teacher d) I was a teacher .
19.- What’s the contraction of “will not”? a) Won’t b) will not c) wan’t d) willn’t.
20.- What does this sentence express? “I will probably rain tomorrow morning” a) Uncertainty about the future b) A prediction about the future c) A planed action in the future d) Something that won’t happen.
21.- Complete the sentence whit the correct from of the verb “buy” and he form of future using “ going to” “I___________ a new car next year. I’m already saving money”. a) ‘m gonna buy b) am going to boy c) am going buying d) am buying.
22.- Complete the sentence using the idiomatic future: ‘going to” Lupita and Lalo (rent) ___________ a car to travel along the country. a) are going to rent b) are going renting c) will going to rent d) is going to rent .
23.- Al revisar la forma de formular preguntas en futuro, observas que hay distintas maneras para hacerlo ¿Que opciones aprendes? a) La más usada para poder encontrar material de apoyo con mayor facilidad b) la que más se te facilite, para tener al menos una forma segura para usar c) Todas para tener diferentes alternativas para preguntar d) la más sencilla para facilitar el estudio y no preguntar.
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