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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESETopic 1. Evolution of Language Teaching

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Topic 1. Evolution of Language Teaching

Present-day trends in the teaching of English as FL. Communicative approaches


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For E.M Anthony (1963) Approach Method Technique.
For Richards and Rogers (2001) Approach Design Technique or procedure.
He was the first to introduce an inductive approach to language teaching in which the goal was to teach students to use the language rather than teach them rules. He used imitation instead of rules. He also encouraged language to be taught through pictures and the practice of reading and speaking. Johan Comenius E.M Anthony Maximilian Berlitz.
Grammar-Translation Method (19th century) Conscious memorizing of grammatical rules, focus on the sentence as the unit of study, conscious memorizing of lists of lexis with their mother-tongue translations, translating in and out the target language as practice, reading the literature of the target language. Unconscious memorizing of grammatical rules, focus on the paragraph as the unit of study, conscious memorizing of lists of lexis with their mother-tongue translations, translating in and out the target language as practice, reading the literature of the target language. Conscious memorizing of grammatical rules, focus on the text as the unit of study, conscious memorizing of lists of lexis without their mother-tongue translations, translating in and out the target language as practice, reading the literature of the target language. Conscious memorizing of grammatical rules, focus on the sentence as the unit of study, conscious memorizing of lists of lexis without their mother-tongue translations, translating in but not out of the target language as practice, reading the literature of the target language.
This method is not, as some fondly imagine, itself dead. Its influence is widely felt. Suggestopedia Grammar-Translation method Competence-based method.
As a reaction to the grammar-translation method, there emerged a reform period that dates from 1880 to 1990. The most important method arising from the reform period, and which is still influential today, was"......." (please, use capital letters and do not use period).
Languages should first be taught through (...). The (...) is only presented at a later (...) (please, do not use capital letters or periods. Separate words with commas and a space).
Which method fits the following characteristics? Languages should first be taught through speech. The written language is only presented at a later stage. Language should be learned by using the language rather than by memorizing grammatical rules. The real unit of language is the sentence rather than the word. Translation was to be avoided. The mother tongue was not to be used. Words were to be explained through direct association. (please, do not use capital letters. Do not use periods).
Which method fits the following characteristics? Inductive approach to the teaching of grammar. The meaning of the words or structures is not to be given through explanation in either the native tongue or the target language but is to be induced from the way the form is used in a situation. It relies heavily on dialogues and settings. (please, use capital letters. Do no use periods).
Fill the gap: The Audiolingual Method to learning is similar to the (...), in that the lesson takes place entirely in the target language. (use capital letters and do not use periods).
Some characteristics of this method are: drills are used to teach structural patterns, set phrases are memorized with a focus on intonation, grammatical explanations are kept to a minimum, vocabulary is taught in context, audio-visual aids are used, the focus is on pronunciation, correct responses are positively reinforced immediately. (use capital letters, do not used periods).
Who are some the most famous supporters of the Audiolingual Method? (do not use periods).
The (...) is still in use today, though normally as a part of individual lessons rather than as the foundation of the course. These types of lessons can be popular as they are relatively simple, from the teacher's point of view, and the learner always knows what to expect. (please, use capital letters and do not use periods).
Skinner believes that language is ..., whereas Chomsky believes that language is ..., and is simply developed. (do not use capital letters or periods. Use a comma and a space after the comma.).
Skinner is a ..., whereas Chomsky is a ... (do not use capital letters or periods. Use a comma and a space after the comma.).
In many ways, the "debate" between Chomsky and Skinner is simply a reincarnation of the timeless question of "...."(do not use capital letters or periods).
What method is indebted to Chomsky and the emergence of psychology? (please, use capital letters or periods).
Which method fits the following characteristics? It argued that the goal of language teaching is communication, which is achieved by communicating in the target language in class. Communication is the end and the means of the teaching method. The main purpose of this method is to prepare students to be confident communicators in different real-life contexts, through repetitive oral practices and student-student cooperation. (please, use capital letters. Do not use periods).
Which method fits the following definition? It is a language teaching method built around the coordination of speech and action; it attempts to teach language through physical activity. (please, use capital letters and do not use periods).
Which method was developed by James Asher? (please, use capital letters and do not use periods).
What are the general objectives of TPR? (please, do not use capital letters or periods).
Imperative drills are the major classroom activity in ...? (please, use capital letters and do not use periods).
Which three key methods between the 1970s and the 1980s were associated with humanism? Put them in the order in which they appear in the notes. (please, use capital letters, commas and a space after a comma).
What is based on the idea that the whole social and emotional human being, and not just the mind should be involved in learning a language?.
To which method do these learning hypotheses correspond? Learning is facilitated if the learner discovers or creates rather than remembers and repeats what is to be learned. Learning is facilitated by accompanying (mediating) physical objects. Learning is facilitated by problem solving involving the material to be learned (please, use capital letters and do not use periods).
What method was developed by the Bulgarian psychiatrist and educator Georgi Lozanov in the 1970s? (please, use capital letters).
....relies on the power of suggestion for acquiring language knowledge (please, use capital letters and do not use periods).
What method was developed because of the argument that students naturally face psychological barriers to learning? (please, use capital letters and do not use periods).
The ... method was developed by Charles Curran. (please, use capital letters and do not use periods).
In this respect, Curran asserts that learning is a social phenomenon that should take place "within the supportive environment of a ... of one's fellow learner" (please, do no use capital letter or periods).
According to Curran, the developer of the Community Language Learning, learning is a ..... phenomenon. (please, do not use capital letters or periods).
In which method is the teacher viewed as a counselor who is also responsible for creating a non-defensive environment and overcoming negative feelings towards learning a new language? (please, use capital letters and do not use periods).
What of the following methods belong to the Methods Era? The Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching, The Audiolingual Method, Communicative Language Teaching, Total Physical Response (TPR), The Silent Way, Suggestopedia, Community Language Learning. Grammar-Translation Method, Direct or Natural Method Task-Based Language Teaching, CLIL. the European Language Portfolio & CEFR, Spanish Methodology, Competence-based learning...
What is his name and what is he known for? Chomsky and he contested Skinner. Blatsky Skinner.
Who is this scientist and what developed? Skinner and he developed behaviorism theory Chosmky and he developed generative syntax Lozanov and he developed Suggestopedia Gattegno and he developed The Silent Way.
Who is Chosmky intellectual descendant from? René Descartes Thomas Aquinas Plato John Locke.
Which methodololy fit this? Students are assessed in terms of whether they manage to complete the task rather than the language they use to do so. (please, use capital letters and do not use periods) Community Language Learning Task-Based Language Teaching Task-Oriented Language Learning.
... is based on the idea that students can learn a language by doing tasks. (please, use capita letters and do not use periods).
What is the meaning of the acronym CLIL? (please, use capital letters and do not use periods).
What term was coined in 1994 by David Marsh and Anne Maljers? (please, use capital letters and do not use periods). fundamentally based on the methodological principles established by research on "language immersion".
What kind of approach has been identified as very important by the European Commission because: "It can provide effective opportunities for pupils to use their new language skills now? (please, use capital letters at the beginning of words and do not use periods).
It is a document in which those who are learning or have learned a language - whether at school or outside school - can record and reflect on their language learning and cultural experiences. (please, use capital letters at the beginning of words and do not use periods).
The ... contains a language passport which its owner regularly updates.(please, use capital letters at the beginning of words and do not use periods).
It is a way of teaching in Spain proposed by the latest education laws based on communicative methods. Knowledge is not as important as the development of skills or competences (please, use capital letters at the beginning of words and do not use periods).
Successive Education Laws, from ... 1/1990, ...10/2002, ... 2/2006 to ... 8/2013 and, ultimately, ... 3/2020, have also introduced a special interest towards immigrant students and gifted and talented children. (please capitalize the initials of words, separate words with commas, add a space after each comma and do not use periods).
A curriculum that emphasizes the complex outcomes of a learning process (i.e. knowledge, skills and attitudes to be applied by learners) rather than mainly focusing on what learners are expected to learn about in therms of traditionally ill-defined subject contents. (please capitalize the beginning of words, and do not use periods).
In principle, such a curriculum is learned-centered. It implies that learning activities and environments are chosen so that learners can acquire and apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes to situations they encounter in everyday life. They are usually designed around a set of key competences/competencies that can be cross-curricular and/or subject-bound.(please capitalize the beginning of words, and do not use periods).
In Spain, the competence-based methodology was introduced by ..., developed by ... and emphasized by ....(please capitalize the beginning of words, separate words with commas, add a space after each comma and do not use periods).
It is and educational framework that gives all students an equal opportunity to succeed. (please capitalize the beginning of words, and do not use periods).
UDL is based on three main principles: 1. Provide Multiple Means of ..../2. Provide Multiple Means of .... and..../ 3. Provide Multiple Means of .....(please capitalize the beginning of words, separate words with commas, add a space after each comma and do not use periods).
It is a methodology that allows students to acquire the key knowledge and skills in the 21st century by developing projects that respond to real-life problems.
... are being used today's classrooms because they are strongly related to m....(please capitalize the beginning of words, separate words with commas, add a space after each comma and do not use periods).
The phrase ........... came into general use in the early mid-2000s when it was popularized by chemistry teachers Jon Bergman and Aaron Sams and the founder of the Khan Academy, Salman Khan. (please DO NOT capitalize the beginning of words, and do not use periods).
........ is a pedagogical approach in which the conventional notion of classroom-based learning is..... so that students are introduced to the learning material.....class through video or audio, with classroom time being used to deepen understanding through discussion with peers and problem-solving activities facilitated by ..... (please DO NOT capitalize the beginning of words, separate words with commas, add a space after each comma and do not use periods).
Name the three mandatory components of the EPL in the order laid out in the notes. (please DO NOT capitalize the beginning of words, separate words with commas, add a space after each comma and do not use periods).
Who wrote that the best method is "a method which will work with your student population with your school organization, with your personality, and in your environment? .
Which methods belong to The Pre-Method Era? Name them in the order laid out in the notes (please capitalize the beginning of words, separate words with commas, add a space after each comma and do not use periods).
Which methods belong to The Method Era? Name them in the order laid out in the notes (please capitalize the beginning of words, separate words with commas, add a space after each comma and do not use periods).
Which methods belong to The Post-Method Era? Name them in the order laid out in the notes (please capitalize the beginning of words, separate words with commas, add a space after each comma and do not use periods). Task-Based Language Teaching, CLIL, Spanish Methodology, Competence-based Learning, UDL, Project-based Learning, Gamification, The Flipped Classroom The Oral Approach and Situation Language Teaching, The Audiolingual Method, Communicative Language Teaching, Total Physical Response, The Silent Way, Suggestopedia, Community Language Learning Grammar-Translation Method, Direct or Natural Method.
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